An Update from Mr Curtis (13.12.24)
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We also held a national conference for Special Schools and were joined by Dianne Rochford MBE and other guest speakers - not least our very own Miss Kay!
Much of the activity in school has been around our Christmas celebrations, practicing for the play and class trips.
Special thanks need to be sent to Miss Foden and Miss Sheldon (and their helpers) who organised the Christmas craft afternoons.
Also we need to thank Santa for giving up his time at such a busy time of the year to come all the way to Hattersley on 3 afternoons!
We've had Christmas jumper day and also held some amazing Christmas Craft afternoons where parents joined us to meet Santa and have Christmas themed fun.
Buds class have been doing lots of Christmas activities and made snowman gloop.
Willow Class enjoyed a trip to the Museum of Liverpool, exploring old and new toys as part of their topic.
The children all participated in a workshop about historical toys and were all really well behaved and a credit to the school.
Fir Class have been super busy practicing for our Christmas show.
This week we explored the meaning of Christmas and delivered ‘Messages of Kindness’ around the school to spread some joy. We have also been busy with our Christmas Crafts and made some reindeer food for Christmas Eve.
Next week its the Christmas shows...
We can't wait!
Mr Curtis
An Update from Mr Curtis - 13.12.24